Deutsche Schule Mailand - Scuola Germanica di Milano
How WE see OUR school

How WE see OUR school

Are you tired of reading boring texts written by adults? Then have a look at how we, the 7a of the DSM, live this amazing school and find out what we do in class and how much English we have learned in two and half years. We created extraordinary and breath-taking and captivating brochures to understand better how to write persuasively. Be aware that sometimes we exaggerated a bit...

We hope that when you have finished reading it, you will love the school as much as we do. What are you waiting for?

Have fun, your 7a!

The making-of

This brochure also demonstrates what a so-called “Ersatzleistung” could look like as it results from one. Before we made this brochure, the students had had to create two brochures for their “Ersatzleistung”. The first one about a place in Scotland – this brochure also contained audio files – and the second one about a place of their choice – the students had to present this one online. Part of the assessment was not only their English (written&oral and how well written and persuasive their texts were) but also formatting, choice of pictures, creativity, presentation skills, etc. Once done, I asked them to write a persuasive text about our school and the class came up with some excellent descriptions of our school. Subsequently, I chose one of them, namely Mariana’s, as a starting point for creating this brochure. Two-thirds worked on improving Mariana’s text to turn a very well-written text into an even better one. One-third created the brochure itself. After that, we put everything together and once more, as a class, wrote the introduction above. It was an instructional and creative project worth repeating. I hope you enjoy its result: the brochure of the DSM.

Sylvère Schumann - English teacher, 7a

Deutsche Schule Mailand - Scuola Germanica di Milano
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