Deutsche Schule Mailand - Scuola Germanica di Milano

Business@school 2021/2022 First Final


Do you have six minutes to spare? Six minutes to watch the abridged version of our analysis of how Delta Airlines tries to reach its goal of carbon neutrality and our assessment of it?
We, Patrick Alworth, Lorenzo Cremascoli, Emma Göransson, Carla Locatelli, Gabriela Osti, Sara Ronchi and Giacomo Leone Strada, represent the German School of Milan in the Boston Consulting Group initiative “business@school”. This initiative is a hands-on introduction to business and entrepreneurship in three phases, in which we learn business fundamentals and acquire key skills such as team and project work, time management, research and presentation techniques, and digital and communications know-how. Additionally, we develop entrepreneurial thinking and spirit.

In the first phase we were asked to analyze a large company with a special focus on sustainability. Together with our Boston Consulting coaches, Simone De Pra and Federico Violano, and our teacher, Sylvère Schumann, we conducted a thorough analysis of Delta Airlines and their ambitious sustainability goal and created a fifteen-minutes presentation of which we share six minutes with you. We hope you will have the time!

Deutsche Schule Mailand - Scuola Germanica di Milano